
Important Updates to the OGD Export!

A new format for OGD export will be available starting in summer 2025. To support the transition, test data sets and documentation will be available starting in November 2024.

Workshops to assist with the transition:
November 26, 2024, from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
December 10, 2024, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

To participate, please register by sending us an email. These workshops will be held online in German and offer a valuable opportunity to prepare optimally for the new format.



The GIP is the digital transport graph of public authorities for the whole of Austria


The GIP contains all modes of transport: public transport, cycling, walking, car transport


GIP data is available as Open Government Data (OGD)


Modern administration and intelligent mobility require highly complete, actual and reliable transport data. The GIP is the basis for such high-quality transport data and enables the exchange between different organisations. It enables a nationwide supply of high-quality transport services in a standardized way as well as an overview for public authorities over the transport infrastructure based on a common data standard.

By implementing the GIP, the Austrian administration has created an integration project which is unique in Europe. Redundancy and parallel tasks concerning the management of transport-related data are now a thing of the past in Austria.

ÖVDAT Logo Organigram


Whereas the GIP started in 2008, nowadays the association „ÖVDAT“ (Austrian Institute for Transport Data Infrastructure) constitutes the administrative structure for the GIP. Since 2016, ITS Vienna Region (a department of the Public Transport Association of the Vienna Region, VOR) has been tasked with operating the GIP Austria.

Requirements for the GIP are continuously changing. For example this concerns data quality or level-of-detail of GIP data, but also results from improvements in traffic management or the role of public authorities. As a result, the system of the future – the GIP 2.0 – is already being worked upon.


Verkehrsauskunft Österreich (VAO) Logo The GIP ist the basis for VAO (Traffic Information Austria), a public traffic information service supporting all modes of transport.
Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen (BEV) Logo In the project GeoGIP, a cooperation between the GIP and the National Mapping Agency („Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen BEV) all addresses have been georeferenced onto the GIP, forming a valuable input for emergency organisations and routing services.
Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen (BEV) Logo In this cooperation between GIP and BEV, BEV supplies the GIP with their own road and way data, with regular updates of their subnets. Logo is an open map based on data of public authorities, using the GIP as the basis for transport-relevant information such as road networks or railway lines.
The cooperation AWIS.GIP enables the operation and data management of the Alpine Way Information System based on the GIP data of the federal provinces.
The project (Real Time Road Traffic Information System) provides – based on the GIP data – information for Austrian roads about traffic situation, travel times, travel times, loss times and events, nationwide and in high quality.


The concession assistent is a digital assistent for public transport concessions, which is used by public authorities.
The Austrian Ministry of the Interior (BMI) has developed – based on the GIP data – a nationwide system for the coordination of operations and for communication Einsatzleit- und Kommunikationssystem (ELKOS)
GIP is the basis for the Pendlerrechner, an online tool for commuting citizens which calculates the distance between home and workplace and therefore the due amount of commuter tax relief.
Concerning the data management, each public authority is responsible for the data in their field of competence. The Maßnahmenassistent, a webclient for the management of traffic regulation data, is one of the data management tools and also forms the basis for further e-government applications.
Based on GIP data and data like public transport timetables and statistical data, ITS Vienna Region is developing the Traffic Model for the Vienna Region, which models the traffic situation in Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland. Furthermore, it shall serve as a basis for planning of public transport lines.
The online traffic model of ITS Vienna Region is used for the calculation of a live traffic situation in the Vienna Region, which is continuously published via the VAO.
In the joint project of the federal states of Tyrol and Vorarlberg, Pavement Management System (PMS) - Rural Road Network, a tool for optimizing road maintenance in rural areas has been developed.



OGD GIP data is published as Open Government Data (OGD), supporting the goal of a transparent public administration. The OGD data export of the GIP is updated every two months.

If you encounter a specific data error, please don’t hesitate to report it to Geoland.

If you have any general questions regarding the data format or the contents of the GIP export, please contact us using the address

Release Notes
  • 24.06
    • Logical height now included in routingexport file in Node table (currently especially in railway stations)
    • Path network of the Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying (BEV) is now included in GIP OGD export


  • 24.04
    • Near and distant target data for Vienna has been included in table ReferenceObject.


  • 24.02
    • Routing speeds in Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland updated using V85-values resulting from ITS Vienna Region traffic model.
    • New FOW and FRC values for indoor-networks (values FOW 21-26, FOW 48, details see release notes).
    • New subnet 315 for pedestrian ways in stations of Wiener Linien (continuously updated in next versions).


Bicycle: Data & Services


As part of the GIP4Radrouting project, extensive data was collected across the board, especially for cycling, which now enables cycling services with a new quality level. These digital data is freely and publicly available in the GIP OGD dataset. It can not only be used in the GIS systems of the federal provinces, but is also an important basis for the cycling services of Verkehrsauskunft Osterreich (VAO).


Talks about GIP available for download

  • und Radrouter VAO (Mandl-Mair & Mayr) AGIT 20
  • Arbeiten auf und neben der Straße (Riederer) AGIT 20
  • Die alpine Wegedatenbank und die GIP (Pilz) AGIT 20


ÖVDAT - Österreichisches Institut für Verkehrsdateninfrastruktur
Mag. Roman Dangl
Amt der NÖ Landesregierung
Abteilung Raumordnung und Gesamtverkehrsangelegenheiten
Fachbereich Mobilität - Netze
Mail: | Tel.: +43 (0)2742 / 9005 - 14955


Herausgeber und Redaktion:
ÖVDAT - Österreichisches Institut für Verkehrsdateninfrastruktur

Landhausplatz 1
3109 St. Pölten

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Header-Grafik: © Franz Pfluegl 2006 - Fotostudio Pfluegl, Rudolfsplatz 1, A-1010 Wien - Tel.: +43-1-5353901 -

Markterkundung für den GIP2.0 Client

Mit der GIP Software werden die Daten des Straßengraphen der GIP erstellt, aktualisiert und als Exporte bereitgestellt.

Seit 2019 laufen die vorbereitenden Arbeiten für die Neuschaffung der GIP Software in der Version 2.0. Sie erfolgt im Rahmen von zwei Projekten - dem Projekt GIP2.0 Server und dem Projekt GIP2.0 Client.

Im zweiten Halbjahr 2020 wurde die öffentliche Ausschreibung der Neuimplementierung des Projekts GIP2.0 Server veröffentlicht. Als Vorbereitung für die Ausschreibung zur Neuentwicklung des GIP2.0 Clients wurde im Zeitraum Dezember 2020 bis Jänner 2021 eine Markterkundung durchgeführt.

Die für die Markterkundung verwendeten Unterlagen stehen nun der interessierten Öffentlichkeit zum Download zur Verfügung.

Hinweis: die Möglichkeit zur Teilnahme an der Markterkundung ist nicht mehr gegeben.

Cycling Services

Radrouting Salzburg & Radkarte Salzburg
Android App
iOS App

Radrouting Tirol & RadApp Tirol
Android App
iOS App

Bike VVT

Radrouting Kärnten & RadApp Kärnten
Radrouting Kärnten
Android App
iOS App

Radrouting Steiermark
Radrouting Steiermark

Rad AnachB
Android App
iOS App